Snappy + Zapier

Use 5,000+ integrations to automatically send gifts - without writing a line of code.
Logos: Salesforce, ebay, Microsoft, Meta, Uber, zynga, zoom, T-Mobile, Luxotica.Logos: Salesforce, ebay, Microsoft, Meta, Uber, zynga, zoom, T-Mobile, Luxotica.

Gift Request Forms

Streamline, organize, and manage gift requests from multiple sources to make gifting a breeze. Watch these video tutorials to see how you, or anyone in your organization, can easily use popular web forms to manage and send Snappy gifts with the Snappy Zapier integration.
Most popular webform:
Logos: Google forms, Typeform, SurveyMonkey

Customer Gifting

Show appreciation by automatically sending a gift to celebrate milestones, events, contract renewals, and more.
Most popular CRMs
Logos: Salesfoece, Hubspot, Microsoft Dynamic365

Social Recognition

Make a gift mean even more by automatically recognizing recipients for their achievements where they communicate regularly.
Most popular Apps:
Logos: common apps like slack

Easily connect to the tools your team uses every day.

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